UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Some synecological problems in the alpine zone of Garibaldi Park. Archer, Anthony Clifford


Ecosystematic methods were used to study synecological problems in the Alpine Zone of Garibaldi Park, British Columbia. The influence of snow pack and its effects upon soils and the distribution of vegetation are considered. The successional trend of plant communities in the subalpine alpine ecotone and alpine zone is presented. The plant succession is closely related to environmental changes, particularly to the duration of the snow pack and soil forming processes. The Phyllodoceto - Cassiopetum mertensianae can be regarded as the zonal community in the Alpine Zone above 5,500 feet. It is shown that alpine zone ranges from 5,500 feet to the highest summits over 8,000 feet. Environmental conditions are correlated with units of vegetation which allow the recognition of twelve plant associations. The associations are arranged in groups which tend to characterize the habitats in which they are found. The associations are grouped as follows:- A. Snow patch group i) Gymnomitrieto - Polytrichetum norvegici a. sub-assoc. gymnomitrieto - polytrichetum norvegici b. sub-assoc. polytrichetosum piliferi ii) Cariceturn nigricantis iii) Sibbaldietum procumbentis B. Chomophytic group i) Caricetum spectabilis ii) Luetkeetum pectinatae iii) Anaphaleto - Lupinetum arctici C. Alpine meadow group i) Mimuleto - Epilobietum latifolii ii) Valerianetum sitchensis D. Rupicolous group i) Junipereto - Penstemonetum menziesii ii) Silenetum acaulis E. Alpine heather group i) Phyllodoceto - Cassiopetum mertensianae F. Krummholz group i) Abieteto - Chamaecyparetum nootkatensis G. Peat bog group i) Sphagnum

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