UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An electrodeless technique for conductivity measurements Huntley, Christopher Ryland


The development of a two-toroid system for electrodeless conductivity measurements is outlined. The sample is formed into a closed loop which couples two toroids, one of which is driven by an audio-frequency source; the output voltage of the other toroid is then directly proportional to the loop conductance. The system is only useful for materials with conductivities greater than 10⁻⁴ mho/cm. Apparatus was built and tested using both high (mercury) and low (salt solution) conuctivity samples; heating and cooling curves on the above agreed with results obtained using more conventional techniques. A unique oil heater and pump was devised for uniformly heating low conductivity liquids to avoid the undesirable coupling effects of heating wires.

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