UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Review of the administration of justice for the adult offender in the Greater Vancouver area Smith, Perry Herbert


An exploration of public policy towards the habitual criminal by the Vancouver City Prosecutor's Office and the courts of criminal jurisdiction serving the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, as shown by the numbers and kinds of offenders being prosecuted in these courts as habitual criminals and sentenced to preventive detention. The material presented was derived from a review of the literature in the field, including the applicable legislation, reports of governmental investigative committees and parliamentary debates, newspaper articles and editorials, and interviews with staff of the city prosecutor's office, several criminal attorneys, and personnel of the British Columbia Penitentiary, Oakalla Prison and the John Howard Society. If the rate at which sentences of preventive detention are being obtained against persistent offenders through the Vancouver courts continues, inmates serving this indeterminate sentence will soon comprise a major segment of the inmate population of the British Columbia Penitentiary; a development neither the penitentiary program, the National Parole Service, or the John Howard Society are equipped to deal with effectively or constructively through existing program, services or staff. Means whereby this situation might be met are explored. This study constitutes the first organized effort to explore and present the various aspects of this problem in the local context and from the standpoint of legislation, law enforcement, the judicial correctional processes involved, and the resources available to meet the problem.

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