UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Deformation of alpha-uranium. St. John, Charles Falding


An investigation as to the characteristics of flow and fracture for alpha-uranium were carried out over the temperature range -196°C to 270°C. The parameters relevant to grain size and strain rate were investigated. It was established that the flow stress and the fracture stress in the semi-brittle region vary linearly with the grain size parameter (1/D½). Evidence suggests that the sensitivity of flow stress to grain size is directly related to the importance of glide dislocation action as the deformation mode. Strain rate change irreversibility was found to exist at low strains for all temperatures investigated. This evidence, correlated with the effect of grain size, indicates that massive structural changes occur in the early stages of flow. This agrees with electron transmission microscopy results as established by other workers.

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