UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The kinetics of carbon monoxide absorption in basic solutions at elevated temperature McDonald, Robert Douglas


. The kinetics of the absorption of carbon monoxide by basic solutions was studied at 80°C and carbon monoxide pressures up to 30 atmospheres. The reaction was followed by the rate of decrease of carbon monoxide pressure in a closed system. The observed kinetics in potassium hydroxide solutions yield a rate law of the form (formula omitted) No influence from Li⁺, Na⁺, K⁺ ions was detected and no catalytic effect from Ag(I),- Cu(II), T1(I), N0₃⁻, Mn0₄⁻ was observed. The kinetics are consistent with a mechanism which includes the insertion of a carbon monoxide molecule into the hydroxyl bond,viz. (formula omitted) The rate-controlling step above 90°C was found to be the mass transfer of carbon monoxide from the gas phase into the liquid phase under the conditions involved in this study.

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