UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Study of confluence in periodic slow wave structures McDiarmid, Donald Ralph


An analysis of a class of corrugated structures is given for the purpose of determining the extent to which slot evanescent modes affect the shape of the dispersion curve. The analysis also permits a critical examination of a previous prediction of conditional confluence in this structure. An existing analysis of the cylindrical slot-coupled cavity chain is presented and then extended to include the effect of higher normal modes. The accuracy of this extension is examined experimentally. A discussion of zero-mode conditional confluence based upon this theory is presented. Experimental confirmation of zero-mode confluence is made. The possibility of achieving conditional confluence in the centipede structure and the reversed-loop-coupled cavity chain is discussed. The discussion is based upon an analysis by Bevensee. Two confluence tests are presented to complement the existing one. Finally, a discussion on the usefulness of auto-confluent structures for accelerator applications is presented.

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