UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Some factors influencing the level of reducing sugar in the blood of black-tailed deer Whitehead, Philip Edward


Some of the factors that influence the blood reducing sugar level in the black-tailed deer Odeeoileus hemionus columbianus (Richardson) (Vancouver Island genotype), have been investigated. The distribution of reducing sugar in the blood of these animals was also examined. It was found that: feed intake during the hour preceeding blood letting, short periods of fast, nature of the feed, and sex of the animal apparently have no effect on the level of blood reducing sugar in deer. Blood samples taken in the evening generally had a higher reducing sugar level than those taken earlier in the day. The means used to restrain the animals during the blood letting procedure was also found to have a marked influence on the level of blood reducing sugar. Deer restrained by physical force exhibited significantly higher and more variable blood sugar levels than those immobilized with succinylcholine. The length of time required to draw a blood sample from an animal also influenced the blood sugar level. The longer the time to let a sample, the higher the blood sugar level in the sample. The results indicate that the degree of excitement, fear, and pain experienced by the animals preceeding and during the blood letting procedure was the principal cause of variability found in the level of blood reducing sugar. No reducing sugar could be detected in the erythrocytes of these deer.

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