UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Community development in Canada Lloyd, Antony John


During the last twenty years, community development has become a recognized way of dealing with problems in underdeveloped countries, but its application in industrialized countries is comparatively recent. In Canada, it has been chosen as one of the ways in which disadvantaged people can improve their living standards, develop their communities and utilize their resources. This study has examined some important characteristics of community development pertinent to the projects and programs which have been initiated to combat the socially and economically deprived Indian, Eskimo and Negro communities. To give a conspectus of all developmental activities in Canada, the study has examined the extent of federal and provincial participation in community development. It has considered, also, programs of adult education and leadership training. Although the study has been in the nature of a survey, it has concluded that the commitment to community development in Canada has been too limited. The programs presently operating have been found to be too few in number, irregular in quality and uneven in distribution, and they have not been found to serve all deprived people throughout the nation. Until higher priorities and more funds have been apportioned to community development, it is believed that community development will remain limited.

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