UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Factors affecting growth and fruiting of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Stobbe, Elmer Henry


Experiments were conducted in controlled-environment cabinets to show the effect of temperature and light intensity on the growth and fruiting of snap beans. Leaf weights varied inversely with the temperature, but stem weights and numbers of nodes were not greatly affected by day temperature in the range of 75° to 95°F. Blossoming and pod set were similar at day temperatures of 75° and 85°F but were reduced at 95°F. When day temperature was 95°F, a 60°F night temperature resulted in increased blossoming and pod set compared to 80°F. When pods were harvested at marketable maturity, blossoming in bush beans was cyclic. Plants grown at a light intensity of 1900 foot-candles had a lower fresh and dry weight of leaves, stems, and pods, and fewer blossoms and pods set than plants grown at 2700 and 4000 foot-candles. Field experiments showed that planting dates after May 29 reduced the yield of pods in pole beans. Nitrogen level and row direction did not affect yield of pods in pole beans. Number of pods per plant in pole beans increased directly with the row spacing. Chemical sprays at blossoming caused no increase in yield of pods in pole beans, and only a slight increase in the yield of pods in bush beans. Differences in yields of pods between varieties of bush beans were due differences in the number of pods per plant.

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