UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

During rain, I plant chrysanthemums Gill, Myrna Lakshmi


This thesis consists of a group of unrelated poems on subjects seen in shifting perspectives. Not even the traditional Absolutes remain static: God sometimes is a lover, or an abstraction, or a blue beetle. At times the temper is passion; then again, exhaustion. I have attempted to express the various, contrasting conditions of the human spirit: fire, frigidity, chaos, wonder. If it seems that the poems have no integral relation to each other, each poetic cubicle refusing to melt in one body of water, it is because I have deliberately given them independent existences. Even the form is as varied as the concepts proposed. I feel ultimately betrayed by set assertions and solid unities which do not bend or quake with natural forces or human impulses. I see atoms swirling in the heat of my creative energy, each disintegrating unit shedding divergent lights. I cannot see only one atom brilliant enough to guide oneself in the dark moments of life—even the atom of Love breaks into psychological complexities—but perhaps all these can bring the Self to utter confusion and to insecurity of logic. Once lost, the Self senses only the probabilities of existence, and thus, exists!

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