UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Effect of three rations on blood metabolites in pregnant ewes Ross, James Pelter


The feeding of three different rations varying mainly in crude fat and crude fiber level at a high level of intake to pregnant and non-pregnant ewes had a number of effects on blood glucose, lactic acid, acetone plus acetoacetate, and total volatile fatty acid concentrations during the last three months of gestation for the pregnant animals (February, March, and April). There was no significant effect due to time on blood glucose level or on the level of blood ketone bodies, during the latter stages of pregnancy, for animals consuming high, medium or low roughage rations. The intramuscular injection of 1 mg./kg. body weight of growth hormone into pregnant sheep for 7 days during the last month of pregnancy, caused no significant effects on blood glucose, lactic acid, acetone plus acetoacetate, or total volatile fatty acids concentrations.

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