UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Design of a submillimeter gas laser Sahay, Vishnu


A gas laser has been designed to 01lase over the entire far infra-red spectrum. This thesis discusses the theoretical and practical considerations that are involved in such a design. The three aspects of design that are discussed are the laser cavity, the excitation mechanism, and the detection apparatus. Every effort is made throughout to keep the system as simple as possible. Water vapor is used in the laser as a test gas, since it is known to have transitions in the far infra-red region. It was found to lase in several lines most of which have been identified with lines discovered by other workers. Two lines, however, appear to be new: 133.65μ, and 145.75μ with a possible error of ±.65μ. Characteristic variations of output power with pressure and current density have been obtained for the laser using water vapor. Attempts at obtaining laser action with acetone and alcohol proved unsuccessful.

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