UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The effect of diethylstilbestrol implants and ration protein/energy ratios on the water requirements of growing sheep Thompson, Ann Bernice


The feeding of 1 mcg. diethylstilbestrol (DES) per g. dry matter of feed to mature intact and castrated or ovariectomized male and female Wistar strain rats indicated that hormone treatment tends to reduce the water requirements of rats. Implantation of 3 mg., 6 mg., and 9 mg. DES in growing wether lambs did not affect the relationship of total water intake to dry matter intake, gross energy intake, apparent digestible energy, nitrogen intake, apparent digestible nitrogen and nitrogen retention. Feeding of rations of differing protein level, gross energy content, and protein to calorie ratios, did not alter the ratios of total water intake to dry matter intake, apparent digestible energy, nitrogen intake, apparent digestible nitrogen and nitrogen retention in growing wether lambs.

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