UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The intensity of manufacturers' site use in Greater Vancouver Rehnby, Kenneth


This study attempts an investigation of the use of urban land. It is specifically concerned with the intensity of use of manufacturing sites in Greater Vancouver. Intensity of use is represented by three measures: per cent of site unused, amount of site unused, and structural density of the site. Several variables are hypothesized to account for much variation in these intensity measures. Regression techniques are employed to build predictive models of use intensity and to assess hypotheses. Amount of land unused is predicted successfully, structural density less so, and per cent of site unused unsuccessfully. Among the "explanatory" variables, expansion plans, although often cited as such, are found to be particularly unsuccessful as a predictor of "excess" site holdings. Instead, the size of sites is found to be the most powerful predictor of the intensity measures, but lacks a logical justification as a determining or explaining variable. Somewhat originally, corporate assets is hypothesized to account for site use intensity, and is actually found to add significantly to the multiple explanation of several intensity measures.

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