UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

"The Revenger's Tragedy" : a record and analysis of a production Veverka, Jana Mila


The Revenger's Tragedy, a Jacobean revenge tragedy by Cyril Tourneur, was produced and directed by Jana Veverka, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in the Department of Theatre of the University of British Columbia, at the Dorothy Somerset Studio Theatre, from October 15th to 18th, 1969. The following is a detailed record of that production, along with the director's analysis and interpretation of the script. The Revenger's Tragedy was performed by a predominantly student cast, in costumes and setting by Michelle Bjornson, with music arranged and played by Jim Colby. This record is divided into three main sections. The first is an essay in three parts, consisting respectively of a discussion of the historical background of the play including a brief biographical note on the author, a detailed analysis of the play with reference to the significant critical interpretations available and with reference to its position in the genre of Revenge Tragedy, and concludes with the directorial concept adopted for this production. The essay is followed by a short bibliography which is not intended as a complete list of the works on or by Tourneur, but gives an indication of those which were taken into consideration during the preparation of this production. The second section is made up of the prompt script of the production, showing cuts, blocking, significant divisions of the play into units, and indication and light and music cues. The script is followed by a unit by unit analysis of each scene, briefly discussing the directorial approach taken in terms of purpose, action, motivation, dominant emotions, character dominance and particular difficulties involved. The third section is made up of various tables, records and illustrations relating directly to the. production. Included are lists of light cues, set changes, property and costume lists. Also included are transcripts of the music arranged for this production, samples of the programme and copies of the press reviews. The illustrations include colour photographs of the production, renderings of the sets, costumes and finally blue-prints of the floor plan and working drawings.

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