UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Development of a research watershed system and a streamflow prediction model Kennedy, Gary Franklin


Two independent hydrologic research projects, the development of (1) a research watershed system and (2) a streamflow prediction model, were carried out. The first project was primarily a field instrumentation task involving both design and implementation of a system of research watersheds. Two small (50 acre) research watersheds which may become either representative or experimental in nature were initiated within the University of British Columbia Research Forest. A larger research watershed system was described which could include the Alouette River Watershed. This system of watersheds when subjected to more rigorous experimental procedures should yield valuable, management and conservation design criteria for Pacific Coast forested regions. The second project was primarily analytic in nature, employing the use of multiple regression and a digital computer. A computer program was developed which models the snowmelt streamflow of large watersheds in a manner which makes short term prediction of the streamflow possible. The prediction variables were temperature recorded at a single centrally located station, time and streamflow recorded at the outlet from the watershed. The model predicted flood flow one to five days in advance of measured streamflow for the Fraser River Watershed (78,000 square miles in area) during the spring runoff period of 1955 and 1964. This model required calibration at the beginning of each spring runoff period.

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