UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Relationship of precipitation to runoff from a small westcoast watershed Zeman, Lubomir John


Streamflow from a small watershed on the western slopes of the British Columbia Coast Mountains is strongly influenced by a maritime climate (wet winters and dry summers). The abrupt rise northward from the Fraser delta to the north shore mountain--5000 feet + in 20 miles--has a pronounced orographic effect on the annual precipitation. Militza Lake Basin, which is located at the south west corner of Golden Ears Provincial Park, has been chosen as an area to study the hydrologic characteristics of the west coast conditions. Instrumentation began in 1966. Hydrometric surveys, collection of systematic records of stage and precipitation data to provide essential information on the headwaters of the drainage area, were carried out in 1967. The information obtained from records between October 1, 1967 and September 30, 1968 has been subjected to analysis. The degree of correlation that naturally existed during this period, between the streamflow characteristics under study and precipitation as a control parameter, has been established.

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