UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Nonhierarchical alternate routing in a circuit-switched network at Telus Kabanuk, Steven Joseph


The primary objective of this project was to identify opportunities and develop solutions that will enable TELUS to reduce the cost of maintaining and improving a portion of their existing local network in British Columbia, Canada. To realize this objective, the focus was on optimal routing of calls assuming a fixed network capacity. Our hypothesis was that by changing the routing rules between an origin switch and a destination switch, we could alleviate pressure from congested areas in the network by diverting traffic through less utilized areas. Three types of optimization models have been developed: two linear programs, a mixed-integer model, and a nonlinear program. Irrespective of their objective functions, the purpose of each model was to suggest new sets of routes for each pair of switches. Development of these models and assessment of their ability to suggest routes which reduced the number of blocked calls in the simulated network was the central focus of this thesis. The modeling results were compared with the existing routing.rules in a network simulator. It appears that TELUS could benefit from implementation of alternate nonhierarchical routing rules. Specifically, employing the combined routing rules - that attempt the direct route first, then attempt the 2-link Maximum Linear Model routes from the 11:00-12:00 time interval, and finally the currently used alternate routes - generated the best routing table of those tested. Furthermore, these routing rules can be employed throughout the day without the need for change. The results from the trunk reservation analysis suggest that implementation of a uniform policy would be of marginal value.

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