UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Monograph of the genus Tilletiopsis Gokhale , Atulchandra Anant


Nutritional and physiological studies were made on species of Tilletiopsis. The variation in assimilation of glucose, maltose, starch, sodium nitrate, glutamic acid and phenylalanine proved to be useful in delimiting the species. The other criteria used in the classification of Tilletiopsis were splitting of arbutin, pigment production, thiamine requirement and gelatin liquefaction. On the basis of these results, a key for identification of species of Tilletiopsis has been proposed. Three previously unknown species of Tilletiopsis; T. albescens, T. pallescens and T. fulvescens have been described. These new species showed some variation in their morphology as well as in their physiology.

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