UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Observations on a natural population of damselfly larvae. Pearlstone, Paul S.M.


A population of weed-dwelling damselfly larvae (Enallagma boreale) in Marion Lake, British Columbia was sampled at regular intervals from June 30, 1962 to July 28, 1970 for the purpose of obtaining information regarding life cycle and feeding habits. The larvae sampled were measured, and their gut contents were determined. The Marion Lake population was found to consist of two overlapping, univoltine generations whose cycles differed by about two months. Adults have a long flight period in the summer, and larvae overwinter in mid-larval instars. The food of the larvae consisted mainly of Cladocera and larval Chironomidae, although many types of prey were eaten. Cannibalism was not prevalent in the population. The amount and type of food eaten varied both throughout the year and within different habitats in the lake. It appears that the larvae feed predominantly during the daylight hours.

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