UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Factors affecting containerized intermodal OCP traffic movement through the port of Vancouver Lockhart, John Robert


The conversion of many major international ocean trades to container facilities makes truly intermodal cargo movement possible. However the ocean carriers have embraced the concept of containerization with much more fervor than have the inland carriers. As a result the van container has been utilized much less than might be expected for inland cargo movement. This study has concentrated on the movement of cargo from the Far East to Eastern Canada via Vancouver, in an attempt to discern why 'OCP' traffic, which arrives in containers, is being destuffed and moved eastward in boxcars. This long-haul traffic appears to be of a commodity composition and volume which should move in intact containers. It has been concluded that the inland carrier rates are not conducive to the movement of cargo in intact containers. This is a reflection of unfavorable cargo density characteristics, and to some extent, a lack of containerized cargo volume. While the labor contract in force on the Vancouver waterfront discriminates against off-dock destuffing, the density, and rate considerations are sufficiently important that 'OCP' cargo should maintain its present non-intermodal characteristics.

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