UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A planning strategy for water supply within vacation areas of the Gulf Islands : Hornby - a case study Lubkowski, Albert Otto


This thesis was prepared in response to growing public concern over potential problems of groundwater development within newly subdivided areas of the Gulf Islands. These "problems" stem from provincial regulations which permit large scale subdivision of residential lots over 18,000 square feet without reference to water supply. The Study strives to resolve conflicting opinions presented on behalf of the public, planners and other government officials as to what constitutes an appropriate policy for water servicing within vacation areas of the Gulf Islands. A chief problem in this regard is the lack of official posture defining objectives for vacation lot subdivision. While the focus of this investigation is primarily groundwater supply and the question of standards for vacation areas, the writer was necessarily drawn into several related areas of concern; namely, those environmental problems arising from water use and waste water disposal; development plans of lot owners and associated preferences for servicing; and inevitably, the legal-bureaucratic hoops and powers which comprise the subdivision process. Study findings support the thesis hypothesis that "organized systems of water supply are an appropriate requirement for those lands which are being subdivided for vacation use purposes". The sub-hypothesis that "the servicing requirements for such systems should be sufficiently flexible to permit if not encourage rudimentary systems if water supply was vindicated also--but only on the condition that groundwater supplies are relied upon and on-site disposal systems are in use. The underlying concern with "rudimentary" servicing is based upon the realization that such servicing policies can be most instrumental in restraining year around development and the urban transformations usually implied. The thesis is based on the belief that the vacation use function and the life style and environment implied can only be preserved if distinctive servicing policies are introduced by regional districts concerned. Their responsible involvement would enable people to continue "to go to a place which is different from the place they left".

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