UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An analysis of the residential satisfaction of condominium owners Ito, Kenji Kenneth


Since 1966, the condominium form of housing has represented a steadily increasing proportion of the housing market in British Columbia. Due to its relative novelty, condominium owners were to some extent acquiring an unknown quantity prior to purchase. It is the aim of this study to delineate the housing experience, specifically residential satisfaction, of these owners to date. In addition, the paucity of research on the measurement of residential satisfaction has suggested a direction of inquiry which could be further explored. A questionnaire survey was employed as the major data gathering device in two municipalities in the Greater Vancouver area. Various statistical techniques, primarily discriminant and regression analysis were used to test three specific hypotheses regarding condominium. These hypotheses were: (1) The housing expectation (relative satisfactions) of condominium owners is not matched by the reality of their situation. (2) The area (municipality) in which condominium owners live is a significant factor in distinguishing between owners as regards their socio-economic characteristics and their perceived relationship with their residential environment. (3) The attitudes and behaviour patterns of condominium owners vary significantly in relation to differing sizes of condominium projects. Generally, the first hypothesis was proven false while the other two hypotheses were proven true. In summary, the study approach was useful in achieving some relevant feedback on the views and attitudes of condominium owners, and in suggesting a method to test the accountability of condominium housing policies and procedures.

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