UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Perceptions of family members and a friend by disturbed and normal children and one of their normal siblings Stec, Astrid Martha


In the present study, the Bene Anthony Family Relations Test was used to measure children's perceptions of their family members and a friend. Comparisons were made between the perceptions of: a) a group of disturbed children and one of their normal siblings (clinic pair), b) a group of normal children and one of their normal siblings (normal pair), and c) the clinic and normal pairs of children. No differences were found between the perceptions of disturbed children and their normal siblings or between the perceptions of the two normal siblings. The clinic pair differed from the normal pair in two respects: I) the clinic pair expressed more negative feelings toward their siblings, and 2) the clinic pair indicated more reliance on their friend. All groups perceived their parents similarly. It was concluded that more attention ought to be paid to the role of siblings and extrafamilial members.

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