UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Attitudes of row house residents toward residential location Andzans, Peter


The town or row house has, in recent years, become an important alternative form of family accomodation. Consequently, many of these developments cater to the young expanding family. However, the present location policies of some municipalities have not accounted for the locational concerns and preferences, of these residents, which are determined by their housing needs and are somewhat reflected in their level of satisfaction with the existing residential environment. It was the purpose of this survey to examine this situation by testing the hypotheses that: 1) young expanding families have certain locational concerns and preferences which are dissimilar to those of other families in row house developments. 2) those developments poorly located with regard to those locational concerns and preferences are causing dissatisfaction among the residents. A number of systematically sampled dwelling units, from selected developments in two Vancouver area municipalities, were surveyed by questionnaire. For purposes of analysis, the data was manipulated by statistical techniques of the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) computer program. Generally, the results indicated that the dissimilarity in locational preferences was very pronounced between childless families and families with children, and secondly, many developments did reveal much dissatisfaction with important aspects of the residential location. The major sources of dissatisfaction were traffic and noise from adjacent streets; presence of obnoxious commercial or industrial facilities; inaccessible convenience stores; and, inadequate public transportation service.

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