UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Marine benthic algal communities in the Flat Top Islands area of Georgia Strait Lindstrom, Sandra Christine


Data on 75 species from 124 quadrats collected from the intertidal and subtidal regions in the Flat Top Islands area of Georgia Strait in late spring to early autumn, 1972, were subjected to a number of community analysis techniques including a Williams and Lambert association analysis, a species constellation diagram, a cluster analysis of quadrats, an inverse analysis of species, a Zurich-Montpellier analysis, and a Bray and Curtis ordination. Association analysis and cluster analysis classification of quadrats delimited four communities: an intertidal, an upper subtidal, a lower subtidal, and a sandy bottom community. Species constellation diagram and inverse analysis classification of species delimited six communities: an intertidal, a shallow red algal, a laminarian, a turf, a deep water, and a sandy-bottom community. The Zurich-Montpellier analysis and the Bray and Curtis ordination did not produce clearly definable groups of quadrats. The results of all the analyses indicate that marine benthic algae form broadly overlapping distributions from which communities of varying affinities can be extracted.

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