UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Study of the rheological behavior of CaO-SiO2-A12O3 and CaO-SiO2-A12O3-CaF2 slags Michel, Jean Raymond


A viscometer was designed and built to study the rheological behavior of slags over a range of rates of shear of three orders of magnitude, up to a shear stress of [formula omitted]. The following slag compositions were studied (wt.%) 1) 42 Si02 - 20 A12O3 - 38 CaO, 2) 40.3 Si02 - 19.2 Al 2 O3 - 36.5 CaO - 4.0 CaF2, and 3) 37.8 Si02 - 18.0 Al 2 – O3 - 34.2 CaO - 10.0 CaF2, at temperatures of 1) 1390°C - 1350°C - 1332°C, 2) 1325°C - 1300°C and, 3) 1300°C respectively. Newtonian behavior was found for all compositions at the temperatures investigated. General conclusions are drawn as to the likelihood of Newtonian behavior for different compositions in these systems.

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