UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Distribution of carbohydrates and their associations with metals ions in selected gleysols Thompson, Cedric Basil Hilton


Three Gleysols from the Lower Fraser Valley were selected to study the distribution of hexoses and pentoses and their association with iron, aluminum, magnesium and calcium. A sequential extraction procedure was developed. The various stages of the extraction procedure displayed unique patterns of hexose and pentose distribution. The hexose to pentose distribution ratios showed a greater accumulation of hexoses than pentoses in the upper A horizons but the reverse was observed in the lower horizons. Consistent hexose to pentose ratios of less than 1.0 for the dilute acid extraction were observed. Generally, pentose retention relative to hexoses increased with depth. Comparative distributions of sugars with the metal ions studied were as follows: a) Water extraction indicated that hexoses and calcium formed close associations in the Ap and Ah horizons and pentoses with iron and aluminum formed close associations in the lower horizons. b) The dilute acid extraction indicated that pentoses were associated with aluminum and to a lesser extent with iron throughout the profile. c) The combined pyrophosphate and potassium phosphate extraction indicated that iron and aluminum were closely related with pentoses or hexoses in the Ap and Ah horizons whereas pentoses appeared to form close relationships with iron, magnesium and aluminum in the lower horizons. d) The pyrophosphate extraction indicated a relationship between hexoses, iron and aluminum in the upper Ap and Ah horizons while pentoses, magnesium and aluminum appeared to be associated in the lower horizons. e) The potassium sulphate extraction indicated that pentoses or hexoses were closely related to aluminum in the Ap and Ah horizons but pentoses appeared to be associated with magnesium and aluminum in the lower horizons. f) The Chelex-100 extraction indicated a relationship of hexoses with aluminum throughout the profile.

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