UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Development of a nursing assessment tool to evaluate the home hemodialysis patient Albers, Jo Ann,


The purpose of this study was to construct a nursing assessment tool to assist the nurse in evaluating the home hemodialysis patient's level of functioning and his need for follow up care. Relevant variables for inclusion in the tool were isolated from: a review of the literature on the problems encountered by the hemodialysis patient; a review of twenty patient records; nine semi-structured interviews with patients who had been rated by dialysis personnel as having made excellent, adequate or poor adjustments; and a questionnaire submitted to eleven dialysis nurses who were asked to name those factors they used when rating a patient poorly adjusted or well adjusted, A three category rating system was used for forty-eight items in the tool. A score of one on any item indicated the least need for follow up care and a score of three the greatest need. Five dialysis experts agreed the tool contained the appropriate variables which are important in determining the level of functioning and needs for follow up care of the home hemodialysis patient. A reliability testing using four pairs of nurses to assess twenty patients was significant at the .05 level indicating the patient rating provided by the tool is independent of the rater.

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