UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A study of the effects of self-evaluation using a performance evaluation tool on learning a psychomotor skill Fewster, Mary


Two questions were explored in this study. Does knowledge of the standard of performance to be achieved and self-evaluation facilitate the learning and retention of a skill? Is student self-evaluation using a performance evaluation tool as effective a method of evaluation as instructor evaluation? Five null hypotheses were tested in an experimental study using forty students selected at random from the second year of a baccalaureate in nursing program. A clinical skills laboratory was planned to study the type of feedback the students received while learning the skill catheterization. The experimental group of twenty-one students received feedback from an instructor and a performance evaluation tool while the control group of nineteen, received feedback from an instructor only. Students in the experimental group attended the laboratory at different times than the control group. The laboratory was planned according to the following outline. Prior to the laboratory all students received an introduction that included the objectives, principles of catheterization and a brief outline of the procedure. The laboratory began with both groups observing a videotaped demonstration of the procedure twice. The experimental group also received the performance evaluation tool, after which both groups received feedback from an instructor during their first performance of the task. The experimental group then rated themselves using the tool. Both groups practiced for one hour without instructor feedback. The task was then performed a second time with the experimental group using the tool for feedback and the control group receiving instructor feedback at the end of the task. One week later both groups performed the task for the third time for the purpose of testing the retention of the skill. Observers trained in the use of the performance evaluation tool, rated the students on the first, second and third performance. When the scores of each group were compared a significant difference was found on the first performance, indicating that the performance evaluation.tool facilitated learning by informing the learner of the standard to be achieved, specifically the critical errors to be avoided. The scores on the second performance after one hour of practice were not significantly different. The scores one week later were significantly different, indicating that self-evaluation using the tool while learning facilitated retention of the skill. When students' scores on self-evaluation were compared with observers scores using the product-moment correlation coefficients, no significant correlation was found. However, there was a higher correlation of student scores with observer scores on the second self-evaluation. It was concluded that self-evaluation using a tool describing the standard of performance to be achieved does facilitate the learning and retention of a psychomotor skill. While student self-evaluation was not as accurate as instructor evaluation, given experience in self-evaluation students learned to evaluate themselves more realistically. Self-evaluation using a criterion-referenced tool can be recommended as a useful technique in teaching a psychomotor skill.

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