UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A semi-modular approach to programming by questionnaire, as illustrated by a general service system simulator Siu, John K.


Simulation is a powerful technique to analyse decision problems, but the high cost associated with computer simulation has impeded its practical application. The objective of this research is to develop an approach to reduce the cost. An extensive study of the existing techniques which would reduce the costs of computer simulation (and/or programming) was undertaken. The contribution of this study has been the development of a modular concept of model formulation and a semi-modular approach of programming by questionnaire. These provide the basis for an effective program-generator. As an illustration, a General Service System Simulator (G.S.S.S.) was built. Several experiments were conducted to test its efficiency and characteristics. Two major conclusions were apparent: (a) the approach introduced is valid and feasible; (b) The General Service System Simulator itself is a very valuable tool.

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