UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Relaxed and alert : patterns of T-wave amplitude and heart rate in a REST environment Steel, Gary Daniel


Thirty-six subjects participated in a restricted environmental stimulation technique (REST) study investigating the psychophysiological effects of flotation. Subjects floated for one hour under differing expectations regarding duration of a float session and the physical properties of the environment that was to follow. EMG and two measures of cardiac activity (T-wave amplitude and heart rate) were recorded for the entire session; however, EMG was dropped as a variable due to an excessive noise-to-signal ratio. It was found that neither durational expectations nor beliefs about a dissimilar environment had any significant effects on the patterns of response of the two remaining variables. Subjects did show a significant within-subjects trend when considered as a whole group. Further research in the area of cardiovascular and muscle activity patterns in the flotation tank is suggested.

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