UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Chronic mental patients in three-quarter way housing : effect on quality of life Hooper, Grace Jacqueline


The purpose of the study was to discover if three-quarter way housing had an effect on the quality of life of chronic mental patients in the community. To determine the effect, five areas were investigated: number of hospital and crisis hostel admissions and days of institutionalization, the independence of the patients in basic living skills, the size and intimacy of the patients' social support system, the severity of their symptomatology, and the three most meaningful activities which gave them satisfaction in structuring their time. From published literature, measures were adapted and a random sample of 50 residents of a three-quarter way housing program and 20 applicants to the same program were surveyed by structured interview. Earlier self-report data were reanalyzed. The applicants were surveyed again after 12 months when they had become residents. Three-quarter way housing staff reported on the applicant group with the Progress Evaluation Scales in order to validate the self-report measures. Hospitalization admissions and patients days of institutionalization decreased considerably when patients were in residence. Independence was found to be at an acceptable level for community living but this was found to be due to the strict screening process into the program. Social networks of the residents, and the applicants when they became residents, were found to be approaching normalcy or within a normal range. The increase in casual relationships from applicant to resident status was statistically significant. Symptomatology was less severe for the resident group than the applicant group; the change in most measures of symptomatology items was statistically significant for the applicant group pre and post residency. Meaningful activities for the patients did not change in the direction of increased productivity or more active pursuits rather than passive, isolated pursuits when they became residents, but satisfaction with their activities was expressed by a large majority of those questioned. In the view of the patients studied, and supported by the data, three-quarter way housing created an effect on quality of life by significantly improving the mental health of the residents in a normalized environment which is less costly than halfway housing alternatives and requires less supervision.

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