UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A multiple measurement outcome evaluation of a behaviorally oriented inservice training program Lee, Douglas Spencer


This study investigated the immediate and long term impact of a portable, behaviorally-oriented, in-service training program. The training program consisted of a site visit (pre-test), 5 day workshop (mid-test), 5 follow-up visits, and a termination visit (post-test). The termination visit occurred 6-8 weeks following the last follow-up. Each training program spanned approximately 8-9 months. The training package consisted of lectures, films or video-tapes, demonstrations, role-play, behavioral rehearsal, and homework. Major areas covered during the training were teaching techniques (specifically Discrete Trial Format teaching), program writing, language training, curriculum development, reinforcement principles, maintenance and generalization, behavior management and token economy. The training team was composed of a coordinator, psychologist, teacher and community nurse. Thirty-two direct service staff for severely handicapped clients served as trainees. These trainees were from training programs conducted in four communities in the Province of British Columbia from 1979-1981. Data on three dependent measures plus consumer satisfaction measures were gathered using a pre-mid-post institutional cycle design. The three dependent measures were behavioral terminology, Discrete Trial Format teaching and program writing. Consumer satisfaction data were collected at the completion of the workshop and at the termination visit. For the terminology and Discrete Trial Format teaching measures significant increases were found at mid-test and post-test in the trainees' scores and in the proportion of trainees exceeding pre-established criteria for these measures. No pre-test program writing data were available. There was a significant decrease in the program writing scores from mid to post-test. Consumer satisfaction data was uniformly positive at both measurement periods. The significance of these results are discussed in relation to previous research done in this area. Inferences are made about how factors such as trainee employment contracts, teacher schedules, and reinforcement schedules may have influenced the results. Problems in conducting this type of research under field conditions are identified and potential areas for further research are suggested.

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