UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Heritage planning : by policy initiative or crisis reaction? James, Sandra Alice


Heritage planning has evolved from crisis-oriented actions to save isolated monuments to the comprehensive management of cultural resources in the built environment. This thesis explores the development of heritage conservation planning tools in the context of inner city residential areas in Vancouver and Edmonton. Zoning practices like citizen advisory boards and discretionary uses can help to achieve municipal heritage conservation goals. The compatibility of heritage objectives with conventional land use planning goals is shown by considering how standard zoning by-laws and practices would be modified by adding heritage to the housing and land use objectives explicitly recognised in the Vancouver example. A policy sensitive to heritage, housing and land use goals is devised and hypothetically applied to a case study area in Vancouver. Baer's "counterfactual analysis" technique is used to project the results of the application of the hypothesized policy to an actual area which has a heritage ambiance though no one structure has notable heritage value. The results of this test show that the suggested zoning changes would indeed appear to significantly improve the heritage conservation of the area without compromising other goals. In the conclusion, discretionary zoning and other incentives are discussed in terms of their effectiveness and implementation. The results show that discretionary zoning is a cost-effective method of achieving heritage goals in the municipal context.

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