UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Style formulaire dans Le pelerinage de Charlemagne Cromie, Maureen Ann


The purpose of this study is to consider the extent to which the text of the medieval French epic, Le Pelerinage de Charlemagne, shows evidence of having been composed according to the techniques of a traditional oral style. By an analysis, both descriptive and statistical, along the lines of the "formulaic" diction shown by recent critics to be the basis of oral epic song, it is demonstrated that Le Pelerinage de Charlemagne is constructed in large part according to the same categories of formula or types of formulaic system as have been identified elsewhere in other "chansons de geste." It is therefore concluded that the poet or "jongleur" to whom the Pelerinage de Charlemagne should be attributed shows mastery of the technique of, the oral epic which, in all probability, it was his purpose to parody.

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