UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Pulp mill effluent treatment using computer simulation techniques Sonntag, Nicholas C.


In this study a validated model of the suspended solids and biochemical oxygen demand effluents of a kraft pulp mill was developed by superimposing stochastic chemical spills and normal process discharge. The effluent generated is input into a validated clarifier aerobic stabilization lagoon waste treatment model. Utilizing cost relationship derived from the literature, capital and operating costs for various system configurations and sizes were determined. Numerous experiments were run to evaluate the waste treatment system's sensitivity to influent concentration, temperature and hydraulic load. A least cost system configuration was determined for any desired effluent level. The implications of a spill basin and increased spill frequency were evaluated. It was concluded that the models could be a valuable planning tool to pulp mill management.

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