UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Woyzeck : a record and analysis of a production Rapsey, John C.


"Woyzeck", an unfinished play from the year 1837 by the German playwright Georg Büchner, was produced and directed by John Rapsey, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in the Department of Theatre of the University of British Columbia, at the Dorothy Somerset Studio from October 16 - 19, 1968. The following is a detailed record of that production along with the director's analysis and interpretation of the script. "Woyzeck" was produced on a budget of $350.00 and was performed four times by a predominantly student cast in a theatre seating approximately ninety people. Settings, costumes and seating arrangement were designed by Irene Rapsey. This record is divided into three main sections. The first is an essay which starts with a biographical note on the author and goes on to discuss briefly his other works and his position in literary tradition. This is followed by a brief note on the text used for this production and then a detailed director's analysis of the play with reference to the significant critical interpretations available in English. This section concludes with a discussion of the origin and basis of the directorial concept adopted for this production. This section is followed by a short bibliography which includes the major books and articles available in English on Büchner and "Woyzeck" which were taken into consideration in the preparation of this production. Some books are also listed which had a significant influence on the forming of the director's production concept. The second section begins with a brief statement of the directorial concept in relation to the particular production conditions involved. Then comes the actual script showing cuts, blocking, significant divisions and indicating light and sound cues. Each scene is accompanied by a brief analysis which indicates the major units within the scene and the directorial approach taken in terms of purpose, action, dominant emotions, character dominance and particular difficulties involved. The third section is made up of various tables, records and illustrations relating directly to the production. Included are lists of light cues, sound cues, properties, costumes, cost lists and box office reports. Also included is a sample of the programme and copies of press reviews. The illustrations include colour renderings of sets and costumes as well as colour and black-and-white photographs of the production, and finally, blueprints of the floor plan and working drawings.

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