UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Ambleside : better living by the water Hendrigan, Cole Evan


The Ambleside waterfront, District of West Vancouver, has the potential to act as the armature for a water-borne transit link from this established neighborhood to the Central Business District (C.B.D.) of Vancouver. By in-filling the under-used spaces and redeveloping several existing sites, the optimum employment of this historically ferry-serviced waterfront may once again come to the fore. As every transit trip begins with a pedestrian event, a key component of this project is re-establishing and enhancing the pedestrian connections through the commercial/residential centre and along the linear shore park. Using and studying how, the principles of Transit Oriented Development (T.O.D.) fit in with the Ambleside context and safety of the pedestrian realm by resolving conflicts between transit facilities will be appropriate to the site and sufficient in scale to accommodate the passenger loads. Care will also be made towards the enhancement of the site’s ecological functioning. This project is about the planning and design for more livable and complete communities. The results of policy review and site analysis will be elaborated through design. It is hoped that the finding will be applicable to similar transit nodes and waterfronts.

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