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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Sustainable city park vision for Cariappa Park, Bangalore, India Nair, Sreelatha


The concept of sustainable development emerged as a consequence to a growing awareness of the global environmental crisis. People all over the world are working towards sustainable development. In addition to environmental criteria, quality of life is an important indicator of the health of a city. Urban parks fulfill many social functions and address the psychological needs of citizens, making them a very valuable resource and a key ingredient for a sustainable city. Despite many challenges, countries like India are slowly adopting measures to increase sustainability within their cities. Located in the South Indian city of Bangalore, Cariappa Park is a small urban park. In its present state, it fails to live up to its role as a provider of social, ecological and economic services to its users. In this study, an attempt is made to look into the factors that have led to the failure of this park. The study further proposes an alternative design for the park. The aim of the proposed design is to inspire environmental consciousness and sustainable design construction through example. The new design will fulfill many social, economic and environmental functions, rendering Cariappa Park into a valuable municipal resource that contributes to the well-being of its citizens and to the sustainability of the city of Bangalore.

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