UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Compositions Knudson, Elizabeth Joanna


This thesis consists of scores of original works composed during the past two years at the University of British Columbia. My compositions were performed on • November 22, 2004 ("Metro Gnomes": performance at UBC Recital Hall) • January 29, 2005 ("A Light exists in Spring": reading session- Phoenix Chamber Choir) • March 12, 2005 ("Ice Sculptures": workshop with Jeffrey Ryan- part of Sonic Boom Festival) • April 4, 2005 ("Ice Sculptures": performance at UBC Recital Hail) • April 16, 2005 ("A Light exists in Spring": performance- Phoenix Chamber Choir) • August 27, 2005 ("Mahogany": performance- Surface Tension: concert at Douglas College Theatre) • January 7, 2006 ("Theme for Pascale Boinot": recording session for soundtrack of a UBC student film) • January 18, 2006 ("La banqueroute": reading session- Chor Leoni Men's Choir) • March 17, 2006 ("In the Grass": performance at UBC Recital Hall- UBC Women's Choir) • March 19, 2006 ("Mahogany": performance at Sonic Boom Festival) • April 28-29, 2006 ("Theme for Pascale Boinot": screening at Empire Granville 7 Cinemas)

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