UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Distinción y periferia en el discurso de la prensa ilustrada : Plus ultra (1916-1930) Carbonetti, Maria


The following investigation examines the discourse of the press in Plus Ultra, a magazine for the Argentinean aristocratic elite, published in Buenos Aires between 1916 and 1930. Plus Ultra emerges during a unique historical period, when nationalism confronts the alternative ideologies of socialism and anarchism. The magazine welcomes and publishes its last issue in 1930 shortly after the first coup d'état led by General Uriburu took place. This thesis undertakes the study of the complete edition of the magazine from the point of view of the practices of distinction, by which cultural, symbolic, and material consumption establish a dialogue with the modern nature of the magazine as a means of mass communication. The relationship between distinction and modernity reveals the tensions within the elite's needs to consolidate its social and political power and the impetus of progress endorsed by the same social group. In doing so, Plus Ultra exposes the diminishing power of the oligarchy through an agenda based on self-referentiality and allegory between family genealogy and national history. The magazine blends the contents of high culture with the social manners of the oligarchy. From a Cultural Studies perspective, which includes concepts and notions developed by Raymond Williams and Pierre Bourdieu, as well as contributions from Fredric Jameson, Walter Benjamin and Benedict Anderson, Plus Ultra reveals to be a unique publication among the numerous newspapers and magazines of the time. Its corpus includes chronicles, literary texts, images and graphic design. Moreover, Plus Ultra exposes the main theoretical and methodological problems that the miscellaneous press poses. To date, in Latin America an in-depth study of this type of cultural artifact, has not been carried out.

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