UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

On the edge Moradinejad, Nastaran


This project looks at Foot of Lonsdale and Waterfront Park in the Lower Lonsdale neighbourhood of the City of North Vancouver. These are two sites with great potentials and unique waterfront locations but currently due to a series of complications and design, connection and circulation problems, are underutilized. The deficiencies and the potentials of these two sites are explored in this project and a new design is proposed. The goal of the design is to revitalize these sites through creating multi functional and diverse recreational and public facilities that can readily be enriched with a variety of cultural and commercial uses and are beneficial to the surrounding neighbourhoods at the local level and a destination point at the regional level. The new design attempts to reveal and celebrate the natural and urban settings in which the sites are found and to integrate them with each other and their surrounding in a clear yet stimulating manner.

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