UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

King George’s diasporas : the treatment of ’hostile’ populations in Britain and Canada, 1745-1763 Wells, Andrew John


Studies of Acadians and Jacobites traditionally examine identity from a perspective within these groups. To comprehend their treatment at the hands of the British in the mid-eighteenth-century, they must be understood as the British saw them. Frenchness and Roman Catholicism were fundamental to Acadian and Jacobite identity as they were conceived by the British authorities in Scotland and Nova Scotia in 1745 and 1755, respectively. These facets of the identities were used to establish the treasonable nature of each group and explains their treatment by the British. As such, cultural forces are better suited than explicit hierarchical structures for explaining the Acadian derangement and the pacification following the 1745 rebellion.

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