UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Resilience among Canadian rural adolescents : findings from the national longitudinal survey of children and youth Fraser, Patricia Ruth


Using a resilience theoretical framework, this longitudinal study explored the moderating influence of early adolescent protective factors on risk for psychological health outcomes in middle adolescence (Masten, 2001). Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) were analyzed via hierarchical regression to measure the interaction effects of community protective variables (important relationships with peers, teachers, and community leaders; school bonding; and extracurricular activities) on risk variables at age 10 to 11, for self-worth, and internalizing and externalizing problems, at age 14 to 15 (N= 940). School bonding influenced risk for internalizing and externalizing outcomes when all variables were entered into the equations. Gender main effects were found for self-worth and internalizing problems; however, gender did not interact with risk. These results attest to the important role of early adolescent school bonding in influencing risk among Canadian rural adolescents.

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