UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Produce choices : exploring the potential for niche food markets as an incentive for green roof implementation Philp, Lori Jane


A high perceniage of vacani space within downtown Vancouver is composed of inaccessible rooftops that, through green roof implementation, are capable of sustaining a network of accessible open space that supports urban food production. With an increasing local interest in urban agriculture, an organic rooftop food production technology is due to emerge on the marketplace. This study explores the development of urban agriculture within downtown Vancouver as a potential incentive for green roof implementation. Through an analysis of current research and a related case study, a design for an organic herb garden was developed for an existing green roof above a specialty-foods grocery store in downtown Vancouver. This model allows the green roof to support the growing and selling of organic food on-site, bringing the celebration of food production to the public realm, while strengthening the connection between the green roof, its' built form and the surrounding community. The design integrates a highly-productive organic herb garden with social areas for on-site residents and employees. Using developed indicators for sustainability, a final comparative analysis of the proposed design against the related case study and existing site was completed. This study informs new directions for the social function of the green roof, while recognizing how policy and regulations for future urban development can support the advancement of urban agriculture.

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