UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Graduate recitals Croft, Darrell


The thesis for the Master of Music degree in Opera consists of the performance of a major role in one full opera production or directing a production of a one-act opera or equivalent in the first or second year. My production of a condensed version (1 hour, 30 min.) of Kurt Weill's opera Street Scene was performed on April 4, 2005. As the Director of this production, I was responsible for the adaptation of the score, auditioning and casting performers, scheduling and organizing all rehearsals over a four month period, co-ordination with the Music Director, Richard Epp, and Stage Manager, Melissa Tsang on production matters, designing and acquisition of all costumes, set pieces, props, makeup, hair, lighting, publicity and programs. As the Stage Director, it was my responsibility to decide on the concept of this production, to guide the performers in their dramatic and technical development of the characters and to provide the overarching vision for this performance.

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