UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Maternal inattention and impulsivity, and parenting behaviors Chen, Mandy Yao-Min


Recent studies on adults with ADHD have consistently shown an association between ADHD symptomatology and parenting impairments. This study extends previous research by examining whether inattention and impulsivity in a community sample of mothers are associated with different patterns of parenting deficits. Seventy mother-son dyads participated in the study, and the boys ranged between 4 and 8 years of age. Both negative and positive dimensions of parenting behaviors, as well as self-report and observational measures of parenting were included. Results showed that maternal inattention was uniquely associated with parenting overreactivity, inconsistent discipline, and lower involvement after controlling for impulsivity; however, maternal impulsivity was not uniquely related to any of the parenting constructs after controlling for inattention. Further, the associations between maternal inattention and parenting overreactivity and inconsistent discipline remained significant even after controlling for maternal hostility and depression, and child behavior problems. Possible reasons for the different patterns of associations between maternal inattention and impulsivity, and parenting are discussed.

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