UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Framing and policy development for children’s environmental health in the United States and Canada : the influence of institutions Boothe, Katherine


The influence of American environmental policy on Canada has long been a topic of interest to scholars concerned with the diffusion of knowledge and policy across national borders. This research seeks to contribute to this work by examining a relatively new direction in environmental policy, children's environmental health, and asking why a movement to frame and develop policies to address children's unique vulnerabilities to environmental risks has been an important component of US environmental policy for more than a decade, but until recently, has been almost entirely absent in Canada. I choose to focus on changes to pesticide policy that take children's health into account, and I find that Canada's slow adoption of children's environmental health frames and policy is not merely a matter of lagging behind the United States, but may be attributed to significant institutional barriers to the development of parallel policies.

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