UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Phosphorus release from dairy manure Pan, Szu-Hua


The molybdenum blue methods were used to determinate phosphate concentration of liquid dairy manure. Varying liquid dairy manure/deionized water ratios revealed that there existed a positive effect of dilution by deionized water on the measured manure ortho-P concentration. Several chemicals such as sodium bicarbonate, sodium bisulfite, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide etc. failed to eliminate the interference caused by the unknown compound in the dairy manure. The recovery of phosphorus from animal manures will be an important step in the overall management and sustainability of phosphorus use. The combined chemicals/microwave treatment of raw dairy manure was developed as part of the studies for enhancing the recovery of phosphorus from animal wastes. Up to 86% of total phosphate could be released into solution with a total of ten minutes of microwave treatment. An efficient approach was developed for facilitating phosphorus release from dairy manure at ambient temperature. Up to 80% of the total phosphate could be released from dairy manure.

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